Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Fifth World- A Pinata World

Just sent a proposal for Soft floaty to edit and combine with the rest's for a group proposal.

had probs formulating it and called professor to double check the requirements for the objectives for our work.

The Fifth World- A Pinata World

My views of today's society of decadence is inspired by personal encounters in daily life. With the use of pinatas to represent the fifth world and worms as symbolism of the rotten characteristics in everyone, i challenge myself to paint a picture of the near future.

Having lived in Singapore for 2 decades, i have seen huge changes to the environment at great expanse of Mother Nature. Leaders of the nation(i shan't give names) are constantly trying to promote Singapore as a Garden City, a Biomedical Hub, an Asian Art Hub and etc. , a feat that can never work in a society filled with filth.

Why strive for hypocrisy of a reputation that is not "Uniquely Singapore" when the focus ought to be on correcting the locals' attitudes?

So put away all the cranes and bulldozers and cement mixers already! Stop all the upgrading! The society is ill, and decaying. The fifth world is all set and ready to be broken apart, like a beautiful trophy pinata filled with rotten sweets.

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