Saturday, January 5, 2008

Plans for a RANTING CLUB

ZAHS*  unplanned happy accidents of this wonderful art says: (12:55:00 AM)

haha i was thinking what if there's a support group for people with negative parents towards art

everyone will sit together and complain

TOMATO GIRL likes to think that it's winter. says:(12:56:12 AM)

hahahaha the RANTING group

ZAHS*  unplanned happy accidents of this wonderful art says: (12:57:18 AM)

but no good i think .. i think i rather spend that time doing something else

TOMATO GIRL likes to think that it's winter. says:(12:57:26 AM)

haha! Its like some class, everyone in the RANTING GROUP gathers for a session which lasts for 30min-1hr

leader: OK, EVERYONE GATHER!!!! 

You!  Any problems this week?  

Member A: *shakes head*

leader: OK GOOD!  Means the situation is improving.  How about You? Anything unahppiness between u and ur parents again?

Member B: OH , my mother threw my chalk away, so i couldn't do white chalk reduction method for figure drawing and i was so  i akfawej;ioawejo;jawej2834789423%@#$*@#(%@6..............

leader: OK Take a Deep Breath, Member B, you have just let ur frustrations out... breathe out...  Next, You, anything to complain about?

Member C: YEs.

leader: OK shoot!

Member C: *$*%*(@#$$ ... ..2#gne;hgaioef ......... 

leader: ok u feel better?...........

ZAHS* unplanned happy accidents of this wonderful art says: (12:58:24 AM)


TOMATO GIRL likes to think that it's winter. says:(12:58:26 AM)

then the RANTING GROUP will end off holding hands in a ring with the leader saying this

leader: blesss us all dear ________________(god allah abba... what ever god you pray to) and make our parents understand.

and ending off with everyone letting their hands go and give a clap.  then everyone present will blow out their candles, as a symbolism of release of a prayer and frustration.  

ZAHS* unplanned happy accidents of this wonderful art says: (12:59:23 AM)

sounds crazy

TOMATO GIRL likes to think that it's winter. says:(12:59:24 AM)

hhahahha, like SURVIVOR's tribal council

ZAHS*  unplanned happy accidents of this wonderful art says: (1:01:42 AM)

haha yah

sometimes i feel that family can make or break you. so are the people you interact with. 

sometimes i feel that anyone who has problems dealing should just go to school and indulge in what they love most in the world, their passion for art.  Instead of brooding over the negativity your surrounding imposes on you, why not create a masterpiece in school peacefully and get excited during the process and finally be contented in the outcome.  That'll definitely raise your spirits if u are feeling very down. At least concentration spent on work would divert your negative thoughts and turn them to happy ones.  

rough plans for c day if we rent a booth : 

1) hand bound, hand painted sketch books by Living Dead Witch

2) hand made low cost production zines promoting joy and awareness of prints by Wanyi

3) printmaking A-z by Wanyi

4) customised wire head sculptures by LivingDeadWitch ???

5) prints by Wanyi and LivingDeadWitch

6) the remainder of SALT a zine of superstitions by LivingDeadWitch

7) handmade paper by Wanyi ???

*) ??????????

Niang gave me a graphic design offer reccommended by her boyfriend- designing layouts and content for a tourism magazine.  Details were not specific, moreover school term's starting in 3 days, i wouldn't have time would i?  I wouldn't wanna kill myself like back in term 1 WOULD I?!?!?! Thus i rejected it. 

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