Monday, January 7, 2008

Claustrophobic Drying Rack


When i first stepped into her space omg... IT WAS SO SQUEEZZZZYYYYY!!! SO DIFFERENT FROM THE SPACE SHE HAD IN THE PREVIOUS SEM!!! i was not too happy... no no.. i wasnt happy at all!  wanyi said herself she was claustrophobic( a little)... 

i had to do sth i had to do sth i had to do sth... sTH! 

we decided to shift the partition that divides Wanyi's and Master & Caveman's more towards Master & Caveman's in order for a small desk to fit for S
ky.  in order to do so, we needed the drill and screws and screwdrivers.  

WAnyi suggested the Printmaking Workshop... but how to get in there?  

we managed to sneak in thru a crack from the VSF studio into the degree students' studio, squishing ourselves through that tiny slit which was blocked by a table so we had to climb onto it to get in.  we ttried to move the partitions but we fear it will collapse.  

wanyi tried to look over the partition from th
e top of a table, and discovered that over the partition was the inking table!  YAYNESS!!! 

With a tall chair stacked on the studio table, i climbed, used Wanyi's shawl to get the stool safely onto the glass table, adjusting it and then i went across the partition, onto the stool, onto the table, and down on the ground!!! I WAS IN THE PRINTMAKING WORKSHOP!!! 
Wanyi exited the degree students' studio via the main door, and i opened the workshop's door to welcome her.  

TOTAL YAYNESS!!! the drill was erm unmanagable for us.  we took the screwdrivers and some screws only- to unscrew it so the partition could be moved , and only tomorrow, borrow a drill to drill another hole in the wall.  

Everyone will be happy.  
After shifting the partition, wanyi was happy to have more space, as well as more space for Sky.  we even got him a table, so that he wun be that pathetic. 
With ideas combined, Wanyi and the TomatoGirl invented the oh so creative and makeshift RACK. 
We had initially wanted to place the desks in place of the table but we had that ingenious spark and wanyi decided to leave it there to hang her prints.  WOOHOO EVERYONE's HAPPY!  

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