Tuesday, June 10, 2008

which artist cannot draw?! 

i read about this from somewhere whilst i was doing artist research- its something about an artist who claims he can't draw but was sort of encouraged to translate his thoughts and whatever into drawings and via the medium of printmaking.  

when i said that everyone was quite taken aback.  yes i know... like which artist cant draw rite? 

"even sculptors can draw"

"art nouveau artists definitely can draw" 


argh sometimes the singlish complicates matters and the wrong vocabs or the way i phrase things comes off so different from how i want to put what i wanna say especially when i get all excited.  

And wanita had to make me feel so damn awkward when she suddenly pointed a finger at me and raised her voice saying, " HAHA!"

like, what the hell?! it felt as if i finally said something so senseless and bimbotic and wrong... finally the perfectionist is stumped, spotlight's on her, stammering and gaggling at her small brain of a walnut,exposed. 

oh well, she meant it differently so its ok. 

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