Friday, April 18, 2008

Schtick: Aquatint-Rosin method demo

BB came today to show the printmakers another aquatint method- using rosin.

/01. sandpaper-ing the plate/
02. soya-sauce-ing it to rid it 
off grease
/03. the rosin box(highly TOXIC)

/04. putting the plate onto a shelf
in the rosin box/ 05. 1,2,3, spin and release!
/06./07. Heating the plate up so that 
the rosin melts and sticks to plate

/08.Aiyoh...Sex Goddess.../09.
BB explaining that.../10. rosin has
adhered to the surface of the plate
/11. checking out the plate with rosin adhered
/12. starting to cover areas with screen filler

/13./14./15. Putting Marks on the plate/ 16.
drying it with fan blowing at it while suspended
from a peg on a cardboard
/17. Wanita holding down tape for BB. 
This is wrong.  please do not follow.  
They are taping the back side of the plate 
to prevent acid from corroding it
/18. acid bath.  plate is suspended in it./
19. BB watchin' it, waiting for five minutes to 
pass/ 20. checkin' out the other bath

/21. removing the etched plate/ 
22. the plate with acid drippin'

talking to cikgu Bedah. Everyone lookin
at her works while each of us took turns to
paint using screen filler.  

this is cikgu Bedah the printmaker who 
makes paper. too bad she's so skinny if not 
she'd pass off very well as chicken little.

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