Friday, February 29, 2008

Schtick: How artists-to-be spend Leap Years.

11:30 .
one of the earliest so far.

Eyebrow shaping and make up IS an art.

In eyebrow shaping, i push and pull, like that of the charcoal and eraser- making a mark(pushing) then reducing(pulling) it and so on and so forth. This way your canvas is painted in equilibrium as much as possible.

sexy asses! 

eyebrow plucker between 
the guinea pigs 


instant reaction
woohoo!!! hehehe

left one done!

i used tweezers, then proceeded with paint brushes to sweep the unwanted hair away as well as add some foundation over the red areas to conceal it. 

right one done!
MR.CHUA lost his
specs along the way...

he's better looking
right?!!! hehehehe

Then it was Cassandra's turn.  This is her "before" shot.


Right one done!

Left one done!


I personally found that she looked much much better like this.  She looks really different now.  Like, seriously...

ok random shot.  Wanita came by and we just had to take a pic.  (where's the fours?)

CASS camwhores.

I tried to change her 
hairstyle once more.

I told Master that CASS looked a little like her and she didn't believe it(few days back). Well, after seeing these she's a believer!

they attempted a few shots
but the angles were wrong.
we couldn't compare 'em 

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