Sunday, September 21, 2008

The fear of blindness

I can't help but feel that my eyes will turn against me one day.  my vision has never been that stable ever since i stepped into art school.  i started to have stinging sensations in both my eyes last year, and as a result, i'd freeze on the spot because it was too painful to even open them, and someone has to rush to source for tissue to save me.  once, on the train home, my eyes teared so badly, causing my nose to run, and made the old man beside me think i was crying.  he offered me a whole packet of tissue.  

i need to prepare myself for the worse.  i can imagine how the blind artists felt during the blinding process and the period of shock and adjustment if they were made blind from an accident.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nobody is going to become blind okay! I will not let that happen to you, I can imagine I will go nuts with you if that happens. If you show signs of it I will stop it from progressing I swear.
Sigh... I know its difficult but just try ok

Kwor kwor